
friends tire me out

June 29 2008, 2:30 PM

oh my i'm so tired. busy weekend. went to kel's to hang with some of the girls on friday. kat came over on saturday and spent the night. i swear i have had like 4 hrs of sleep this weekend. it was worth it. at kel's we went to see fireworks at the airforce base. they were for 4th of july but they had it a whole week early don't ask me why.haha kel's dad bought everyone a glow necklace and we brought in a whole bottle of pop that we ended up throwing away =] . when we got back we went down to the klasam(its what we call the little creek. its a mix of ppls names) we were all so hyper. megan is so funny when she is on a sugar high. i'm going to leave it at that . when i got home on saturday kat came over and we had a movie night. we have both found out that James Marsden from 27 dresses is very yummie lol. dang i don't think that my link is working. lets see if i can put a pic on here.

oh yes! i don't care what you say. i think he looks damn good.we also think that Sean Faris is a good lookin guy. i'll add another pic.

Now thats what i call eye candy! *cheer for sexy guys* lol i should have put something that showed his face a little better. oh well i'm lovin this pic. what do you think? agreed?

Sean Faris


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me and kat

June 28 2008, 5:52 PM

my friend kat is over right now and we are talking about our blogs! cheer for blogers. haha anyway. havin a good summer. sry i haven't posted in a while. yea i'll be on a little later and maybe write more. check out her blog. its so cute. =] and besides shes one of my  best friends and if you want to be a good friend to me be good to my friends. lol i'm a dork. alrighty then see ya.


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Secret unlocked

June 18 2008, 4:30 PM

So ealier in one of my blogs i was talking about two of my friends that had just broken up. well now i know why he said that they "need a break". while he was on vacation in florida he met this random girl. i guess he has decided that he likes her. i'm pretty sure that he cheated on his girlfriend who is also my friend. she's pissed lets just leave it at that. i don't understand how he can do that to his long time girlfriend. he said he wanted to stay friends b/c they had been friends before but we'll see how that goes over. it's odd but i feel surpriseingly calm about the whole thing. i don't know why since i'm kinda in the middle of it. my stress level should be sky high. usually i don't deal well in stressful situations but i'm perfectly fine. although i am mad at him i don't really know what to say which almost never happens to me.i'm not in their relationship or lack there of. its about them. i don't think i should be involved. lets hope it stays that way.


djZrockerZ: again,he is a matter how sweet they seem they r all ... 06-28-08 01:20 AM
IzzyGrace: He cheated on her with a random chick from florida? does... 06-19-08 01:38 AM

I'm so confused!!

June 16 2008, 9:28 PM

Two of my best friends have been going out for almost a year right. well all of a sudden today he calls her and says "we need to talk" okay we all know that this isn't going to go well. he tells her that they need to "take a break". alright i don't know if you relize this but most of the time people who take a break never get back together. most of the time the break is just so one of them can um... test their interests that they have for another person. but thats not why i'm confused. i'm confused because the relationship hadn't been going down hill and they hadn't had a fight. if you saw him look at her you would know that he is crazy about her. he tells people all the time how great see is. then whats with the sudden break-up? please someone please tell me what goes through a guys mind when he says he needs a break. i could understand if she was clingy or needy but shes not. haha most of the time he is the clingy one in the wasn't even a bad break-up like i had with my b-f it was just a oh i need some time. wish i could talk to him now but i feel like i might scream at him.


djZrockerZ: thats kinda like me and the guy.we were bffs and well...he... 06-28-08 01:16 AM
IzzyGrace: aw, i wish i could help you but i can't :( guys are so... 06-16-08 10:37 PM


June 4 2008, 8:38 PM

OMG I GOT A CAR! My parents are insane. they bought me a used car. so what if its used its something to drive and its red so i'm good with it. it's a 1999 plymouth, breeze. haha i had never heard of it till today but thats okay! i'm so excited. i pravticed driving it a little in a parking lot and i didn't hit anything so i'm happy about that too.not that i have ever hit anything its just i was nervous. now i need to find a job to pay for gas. and god knows that gas is expensive and since my parents bought it for me i have to pay for gas. i want to be able to pay them back. which means i have to find a way to get 2,500 bucks. they didn't say i had to pay them back but i want to if i would make me feel better. i know i'm so strange right?thats alright I already knew i was strange.


djZrockerZ: lol its understandable what u want to do!!!!i would 2.well... 06-28-08 01:18 AM


  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Last update Jun 29, 2008
